Church Elders

John A. Ricci
John has preached the Word of God and served the ministry as a pastor since the church first opened its doors in 2000. He is also a member of the body of elders, and shares in the responsibilities of church leadership. Pastor John is a graduate of Freelandia Bible College . Pastor John and his wife Jacqueline are committed to the ministering to the Body at GCF. He also has his son Jonathan and his two stepdaughters. What he appreciates most about the Christian family at GCF is their sincere desire for the Word of Grace, and the down-to-earth attitude and love for the Body of Christ.

Michael Izzi
Mike has been a friend of Pastor John for many years, and it was through their efforts that the GCF ministry was founded in 2000. They have been laboring together in the ministry since GCF opened its doors. Mike continues to serve the ministry in many capacities, including the leadership responsibilities of a church elder. Mike has a career with the Post Office.
Church Deacons

Kevin Van Meter
Kevin has been attending GCF since 2011 and is involved in many facets of the church. Besides being active as a Deacon, Kevin serves regularly in the sound booth with the production cameras and with the maintenance division. Kevin came to know GCF through his daughter. Kevin is married to Linda who also is active in church ministries. They have three daughters and four grandchildren. When asked what he likes the most at GCF, his reply: "An honest teaching of God's Word using The King James Bible and studying and comparing scripture to scripture. I now know the truth and it has set me free".

Carl Taglianetti
Carl has been part of GCF since 2003. Having a career in building construction, Carl served a great purpose in our construction development of our new church home. Besides be crafty in his finish work, he serves as a church Deacon. When asked what he likes most of GCF, his reply: “The Word, the fellowship, just helping out in any way that I can. Most important to me, is the growth and personal relationship with Jesus Christ”. Carl and his wife Kim have a son.

Matt Paone
Matt has been part of GCF since 2003. He has served in many areas of the church through his time. Currently, Matt leads the Food ministry and serves actively as a Deacon and the maintenance division. Matt came to know GCF through his brother, who found the church through a friend of Pastor John. What he likes the most of GCF is that it is very family oriented and continually preaches the Word of God. Matt attends GCF with his two sons.

Nick Romano
Nick and his wife Deborah have been with GCF for many years. He serves as a Deacon and is part of the church maintenance division. Being retired, Nick has put in great hours on preparing the church for their most recent move to their new location. They came to know GCF by living next door to the Ricci family.

George "Vic" Simonin
Vic has been part of GCF since 2006. He came to know GCF through his son. Vic is a Deacon and serves as the maintenance division coordinator. He attends church regularly with his wife Dolores. They have six children. If you ask Vic what he likes the most of GCF, his reply would be: “hearing messages preached from the bible, not someone’s thoughts of what it says. Scripture backed up by other scripture. Of course, there is the fellowship too”.

Harvey Sylvestre

Our Pre-School Vision

Our Pre-School Vision

Our Pre-School Vision