Our Mission:
Grace Christian Fellowship is organized for the purpose of establishing a Bible teaching ministry through a local community first, then to our nation and internationally as God provides opportunity for the promulgation of His Word of Grace. The ministry is work of Grace and all depends on Him. We can only rejoice to be partners with God in this glorious ministry of Grace and accept the responsibility of being faithful stewards of that which He has entrusted us.
The goals of this ministry are twofold. First, we desire to reach the lost with the Gospel of salvation through faith alone in Christ alone. Secondly, we earnestly desire to labor to build up and encourage believers in Christ that they may grow up spiritually and fulfill God’s plan for their lives. The goal for every child of God should be to advance to Spiritual maturity and live a life that glorifies and honors God.
Through the teaching of Bible Doctrine, we endeavor to accomplish this task. The two major issues for which God will require a full accounting are: “What have you done with My Son?” and “What have you done with My Book, the Bible?”

The Fundamentals:
- The unity of God in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- The direct creation of man by God.
- The inspiration and preservation of God’s word in the Bible.
- The virgin birth, sinlessness and deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The total depravity and lost state of all men through the Fall of Adam.
- The substitution atonement of Jesus Christ on the cross for the sins of the world.
- The physical bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The ascension of Christ to the right hand of the Father.
- Salvation by Grace through faith alone in Christ alone.
- The physical return of Christ in glory and power to earth.
- A literal Heaven and eternal state of joy for believers in the New Heaven and New Earth.
- A day of final judgment and a literal Hell for all who reject Christ in conscious torment in the Lake of Fire.
The Fellowship:
Made up of several critical factors in the body of Christ according to scripture – there are Elders, Deacons and the Congregation. Together, as a family, they are dedicated to God’s preserved word. The Fellowship is formed by servants of our church, to bring His living word of Grace to the outside world.